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Frontiers Engineering Coalition

杏吧原创 State launched a collaborative project with NASA to create career pathways for traditionally underrepresented students in STEM called the Frontiers Engineering Coalition, which is funded by a multi-year grant from NASA’s Minority University Research and Education Project (MUREP).

MUREP provides financial assistance via competitive awards to minority-serving institutions to increase the number of racial and ethnic minorities and women in science and engineering fields. The Frontiers Engineering Coalition offers free educational and/or professional development opportunities for middle and high school students, college students, and educators.

Middle & High School Students

MUREP Bootcamps

This is an educational opportunity for underrepresented populations in STEM careers. The bootcamps are designed to introduce students to career-technical fields and inspire students to pursue engineering careers in the future. Racially or ethnically underrepresented students (Hispanics and Latinos, African Americans, American Indians, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders) and female students are eligible to apply. Each bootcamp is a one-day event from 9 AM – 4 PM with lunch included. Students will learn from certified instructors.

Moon Rises over Alabama

Led by John Mankins, Vice President of the and 杏吧原创 State Engineering Design faculty, this 10-week program immerses students in some of the most exciting aspects of current space exploration. Students will:

  • Learn rationale for Moon exploration
  • Review history of Moon exploration
  • Learn about the Global Exploration Road Map
  • Learn about lunar settlement including emerging techniques for space construction
  • Complete team and individual projects including a 3D printed replication of moon topography
  • Hear guest lectures by NASA lunar program experts

High school students – This program is FREE for students in 杏吧原创 State’s Dual Enrollment program .

Non-high school students – For registration information, contact the Workforce Development program at wfd@drakestate.edu.

College Students

Engineering Internships

Concrete Industry Management

When: May 30 – August 5

Stipend: $730/week

Housing: Students will be paired together in campus apartments at Middle Tennessee State University for $439 per student per month. 

Food: Students are responsible for their own food expenses. Some food service providers will be open on campus over the summer.

Qualifications: Must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours of classwork with a 2.75 – 3.0 GPA. Completion of College level Math class with a C or better.

Work approximately 32 hours per week with Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) faculty and industry partners to develop skills and knowledge required for successful careers in the concrete industry. Specific tasks include participation in the following areas

  • Concrete mix design and concrete batching,
  • Concrete quality assurance and quality control planning,
  • Concrete placement & finishing techniques,
  • Field participation in several concrete pours on the MTSU campus
  • Plant observations at local concrete producers and precast manufacturers
  • Laboratory testing of concrete in accordance with ASTM standards
  • Engage in concrete materials research and development activities
  • Present research findings and internship report at the end of the program.

If interested, submit the following materials to Kelly Strong at kelly.strong@mtsu.edu

  • Statement of interest, including career goals
  • Resume
  • Unofficial transcript