Student Complaints
Student Complaint/Grievance and Appeal Policy
杏吧原创 State recognizes that in order to efficiently and effectively carry out its mission, its students must feel confident that any valid complaint or grievance a student may make concerning the college will be promptly addressed by the appropriate authorities. Therefore, the following procedures for resolving such complaints and grievances have been adopted by 杏吧原创 State.
The 杏吧原创 State Student Handbook defines the initial steps to solve a complaint, as well as defines sexual harassment, discrimination, and grievance as follows:
ComplaintsAcademic or non-academic areas of dissatisfaction with instructional or support services. Examples of academic complaints include a disputed course grade, faculty performance, or course information. Examples of non-academic complaints include a disputed late registration fee, delivery of support services, or student conduct.
Sexual HarassmentInappropriate introduction of sexual activities or comments into the workplace or learning environment. While sexual harassment may involve relationships among equals, it often involves relationships of unequal power, giving rise to elements of coercion centered on sexual activity for opportunities of benefit such as improved job or academic status.
DiscriminationDifference in treatment in any service, program, course or facility on the basis of race, color, creed, gender, religion, sex, national origin, disability, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital status, or parental status.
GrievanceAn unresolved complaint shall be termed a grievance. A student who submits a complaint to the appropriate College officials and who is not satisfied with the plan of resolution
Steps to resolve a complaint
Informal Student Complaint Process
杏吧原创 State has a variety of procedures for handling student-related issues, including grade appeals, academic dishonesty violations, student discipline, harassment complaints, and Student Grievance procedures. One area not generally covered by other procedures concerns informal student complaints about faculty, staff, or student conduct. The College respects the academic freedom of the faculty and will not interfere with the exercise of appropriate discretion concerning the content or style of teaching activities. Indeed, academic freedom is and should be of paramount importance. At the same time, the College recognizes its responsibility to provide students with a procedure for addressing complaints about faculty/staff treatment of students that are not covered by other procedures.
Wherever possible, complaints at 杏吧原创 State are handled in an informal manner. Administrators, faculty, and staff maintain an open-door policy to discuss issues of concern for all students. Faculty and staff serve as a resource for individuals seeking assistance in resolving matters within the College community. Students are encouraged to first attempt to resolve complaints with the faculty or staff person.
If unresolved, students should next speak to the departmental chairperson or supervisor of the faculty or staff member in an effort to resolve the matter. If still unresolved, the student should lodge their complaint with the Dean of Instruction (academic complaints) or Dean of Students (non-academic complaints). The chart below details the initial area for assistance referral and subsequent contact areas. If students have any questions about the applicable area for assistance, they should consult with the Title IX Coordinator, who will advise the student if some other procedure is applicable to the type of complaint they are seeking to resolve.
Informal Complaint Referral Chart
Issue | 1st Response – Level I | 2nd Response – Level – II |
Academic Instructor Concerns
1st Response – Level I :
2nd Response – Level – II:
Division Chair
Grade Appeals
1st Response – Level I :
2nd Response – Level – II:
Division Chair
Academic Probation/Suspension
1st Response – Level I :
Admission Records
2nd Response – Level – II:
Registrar/Director of Financial Aid
Admissions Application Process
1st Response – Level I :
2nd Response – Level – II:
Director of Admissions/Registrar
Assessment/Testing Center
1st Response – Level I :
Testing Center Coordinator
2nd Response – Level – II:
Dean of Students
Academic Advising
1st Response – Level I :
2nd Response – Level – II:
Division Chair
Canvas Technical Assistance
1st Response – Level I :
IT Help
2nd Response – Level – II:
IT Coordinator
1st Response – Level I :
Business Office Clerk
2nd Response – Level – II:
Director of Fiscal Affairs
Campus Tours
1st Response – Level I :
Enrollment Specialist
2nd Response – Level – II:
Director of Admissions/Registrar
Discipline Outside of the Classroom
1st Response – Level I :
Operations/ Staff Member
2nd Response – Level – II:
Dean of Students
Financial Aid Issues
1st Response – Level I :
Financial Aid Staff
2nd Response – Level – II:
Director of Financial Aid
Veteran Benefits
1st Response – Level I :
Veteran and Military Affairs Clerk
2nd Response – Level – II:
Director of Financial Aid
Tutor Support
1st Response – Level I :
2nd Response – Level – II:
Division Chair
Students with Disabilities
1st Response – Level I :
Student Success Specialist
2nd Response – Level – II:
Dean of Students
Student Orientation
1st Response – Level I :
Student Success Specialist
2nd Response – Level – II:
Dean of Students
1st Response – Level I :
Admissions Records
2nd Response – Level – II:
Director of Admissions/Registrar
Refund Requests
1st Response – Level I :
Business Office Staff
2nd Response – Level – II:
Director of Fiscal Affairs
Workforce Development Concerns
1st Response – Level I :
Director of Workforce Development
2nd Response – Level – II:
Dean of Instruction
Adult Education Concerns
1st Response – Level I :
Director of Adult Education
2nd Response – Level – II:
Dean of Instruction
Formal Student Complaint Process
If an informal conference regarding a complaint fails to reach the outcome requested by the student, the student may initiate the formal process described below by timely filing a written complaint to the respective Dean. Any student enrolled at 杏吧原创 State who wishes to make a formal complaint about an academic matter must report that matter in writing to the Dean of Instruction, who is responsible for managing academic complaints.
Any other types of complaints are considered non-academic and are reported to the Dean of Students, who is responsible for managing non-academic complaints. If the complaint involves a specific occurrence, the complaint shall be made within 10 working days of the occurrence.
The written complaint is completed on a Complaint Form which includes the date the complaint was reported, the student’s name, student identification number, contact information and current enrollment status. The specific elements of the complaint review that are included in the records are as follows:
- The date of the incident
- Whether or not the complaint is an academic or non-academic matter
- If the complaint involves a specific person and/or department
- A description of the complaint, including specific details and additional documentation
- Whether the complainant has had an opportunity to speak to a 杏吧原创 State faculty or staff member regarding the complaint
- The person to whom the complainant spoke regarding the complaint
- The outcome of the conversation the complainant had with a 杏吧原创 State faculty or staff member regarding the complaint
- Signature and Date Complaint Form completed by complainant
- A processing section for either the Dean of Instruction and/or Dean of Students to complete
If, after discussion between the student and the respective dean, it is determined that the complaint can be resolved immediately, the college official will take action to resolve the complaint and will submit a report within 10 working days of the filing of the complaint to the President and other appropriate college officials, detailing both the complaint and its resolution.
Grievance Procedures
If any student’s complaint is not or cannot be resolved at the first level of supervision as described in the paragraphs above, such an unresolved complaint shall be termed a grievance. A student who submits a complaint to the appropriate College officials under the paragraphs above and who is not satisfied with the plan of resolution shall have the right to file a grievance with the College official and shall include the following information:
- Date the original complaint was reported
- Name of the person to whom the original complaint was reported
- Detailed facts of the complaint
- Proposed action to be taken by the receiving official to resolving the complaint
- Specific action to be taken by the receiving official to resolve the complaint
- Specific objection(s) to be the proposed plan of resolve
- Other information relevant to the grievance that the complainant wants considered
If the complainant fails to file notice of appeal by 4:30 pm on the 15th calendar day following having received the plan of resolution, the right to further appeal is forfeited.
Investigation Procedures
The Grievance Officer, either personally or with the assistance of such other persons as the President may designate, shall conduct a factual investigation of the grievance and shall research the applicable statute, regulations, or policy, if any. The factual findings from the investigation by the Grievance Officer shall be stated in a written report. The report will be submitted to the complainant and to the party against whom the complaint was made, the respondent, and shall be made a part of the hearing record, if a hearing is requested by the complainant.
Next Steps
杏吧原创 State has outlined this procedure for addressing student complaints/grievances. In the event a complaint/grievance is not resolved at 杏吧原创 State, the Alabama Community College System (ACCS) has implemented a complaint process.